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  • What is a nexus letter?
    It is a medical opinion document written by a licensed medical provider in support of your VA disability claim. This can be written by your treating physician or any medical provider of your choosing.
  • Is a nexus letter necessary?
    No, a nexus letter is not necessary to file or obtain service-connection for a medical disability. It is a tool that can be helpful for your claim to highlight how your condition is service-connected and provide evidence based medical support for that claim.
  • Do I still need a C&P exam for my claim?
    The VA may determine that what is submitted in your medical evidence is sufficient to decide and rate your VA disability claim or they may determine that they want a second opinion and schedule a C&P exam even if you have provided them all the information they need for your claim.
  • Do I need a diagnosis or are you diagnosing me with a condition?
    Yes, a diagnosis is needed for any condition we are considering providing medical opinion documents for. We do not offer diagnosis services
  • Can you fill out other federal disability forms or other documents that I need for other reasons?
    No the only documents we complete are for VA disability claims
  • What is needed for a records review?
    Your DD214, ebenefits image (to see what you are currently service connected to and at what percentage), and your medical records.
  • Do we need to be in the same state for you to provide a medical opinion document?
    No, we complete documents for Veterans who live in all 50 states and internationally as well.
  • What is a DBQ?
    A disability benefits questionnaire (DBQ) is an official VA form that focuses on the rating criteria for your VA disability claim. It can be used as part of a fully developed claim.
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